A Complete Guide for Travel, Book, & Movie Enthusiasts

A fusion of books, movies, and travel

Tents and Yurts


It’s cheap.

Being woken by the sun and heading to bed as soon as it gets dark is the perfect way to reset your body clock.

You’ll get a break from technology.

Fresh air and silence… communing with nature.


Setting up the tent.

Yurts to rent are seldom available.

Sleeping in a tent during pelting rain in bad weather; being eaten by bugs in good weather.

Tents and Yurts are not soundproof.

Having to share a shower with other campers.

Outside toilets… in the dark.

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Be prepared

Stock up on mosquito and tic repellent.

Familiarize yourself with what the poisonous plants look like.

Keep your toilet paper dry inside a coffee container.

A recycled cardboard egg carton makes for great briquette storage and an equally easy fire starter.

Doritos are a great replacement for kindling.

Add bundles of sage to a campfire to keep mosquitoes away.

Use foam interlocking floor tiles for a softer, more comfortable tent floor.

Strap a head lamp to a large jug of water to fill the entire tent with ambient light.

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