A Complete Guide for Travel, Book, & Movie Enthusiasts

A fusion of books, movies, and travel

Family and Friends


Lodging expenses make up a large part of any travel budget. Depending on where your friends live, you’ll save a substantial amount of money by bunking in with them.

Similarly, although you may not get to many local eateries, you will save money by eating meals in your friends’ home. Remember, polite house guests chip in for groceries and clean up after themselves.

Furthermore, your hosts will probably be willing to pick you up from the airport, train station or bus terminal when you arrive. If you are lucky, they will also offer to take you to subway stations or bus stops each day, saving you the expense of renting a car.

Having a place to wash clothes is also extremely helpful. You can save money on checked-baggage fees if you are able to wash your clothes during your trip.

Your hosts can show you the best shops, restaurants and tourist attractions in town. No travel guidebook will give you the insider tips your hosts can provide.

It is also comforting to know you can telephone your hosts if things go wrong.


Staying with family or friends can be stressful instead of relaxing.

First, you will be living in someone else’s home, disrupting your host’s routine and coping with a schedule you have not planned.

Your life will revolve around your hosts’ daily routine. Pets or children may wake you up early. Maybe you will need to be dressed and ready by 6:30 a.m. on workdays in order to get a ride to the subway. Similarly, you might find yourself staying up late or going to bed early, especially if you are sleeping in the living room.

Home-cooked meals are great, but what happens if you are staying with your vegetarian brother or with friends who dine on pre-packaged food? You are stuck with the meals served to you unless you eat in restaurants every day.

If your hosts don’t have a guest room, you will be sleeping wherever there’s room. As a result, you might be on an uncomfortable sofa bed or air mattress.

You will probably be sharing a bathroom and may be sleeping in the main room of the house where you’ll have no privacy.

If your hosts have pets and you’re allergic to animals, that could be a deal-breaker.

Your hosts are locals, and they do know their way around. Maybe they will take you where you want to go, but maybe they won’t. It is hard to politely insist on seeing one thing if your host wants to take you to another.

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Be a thoughtful guest

Ask for honesty when you propose your visit. Prepare for rejection. Your travel plans may not coincide with your friends’ availability.

Be honest in return. Don’t arrive with a child or pet in tow that your hosts are not expecting.

Stay with people whose company you truly enjoy. Try to make sure they feel the same way about you, both before and during your visit.

Accepting hospitality means you must be ready to offer it in return. Encourage your hosts to visit you, and welcome them with open arms when they arrive.

Don’t overstay your welcome. Agree on arrival and departure dates with your hosts. Unless an emergency arises, stick to your planned travel schedule.

Pick up after yourself. No one likes to host a thoughtless house guest.

You should budget to fill your hosts’ vehicle with gas if they will be driving you around.

Provide groceries. Offer to cook a meal or two. Clean up the kitchen after meals.

Remember to write a thank-you note and start saving up for a thank-you dinner. Your affordable vacation should not come at the expense of family and friends.

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